Vacation Fun
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Vacation Fun

Kids are great and they are just so darn cute. They grow up so fast, and they learn so quickly! Many parents work very hard. I have two working parents myself and as I was growing up, I spent most of my time with my grandparents.

Time with the kids and vacations are fun and relaxing, but you also want to capture the moment forever, especially when they're few and far in between. I'm sure many of you out there have a ton of photos of your kids.

For a fun post-vacation idea this year, make a YourCover personalized magazine cover!

It's so easy, even the kids can help you.

You're probably wondering, "why should I bother making this thing? A picture is good enough...besides, I have to work, I don't have time."

Well that's where you're wrong! What makes this more than just a picture is the headlines you get to put on it. These headlines could be funny or cute or tell a story. Later on, when the kids are all grown up, they can look back and read these headlines and it'll make it more memorable than "just a picture". And it's an INSTANT GIFT! It really can't get better than that!  

This gift is really perfect for anyone, but I love it when people make it for their kids. No matter what, they always come out so cute! Fake magazine covers make the best gift ideas too! But if you're thinking about making one for a holiday, you're in luck! There are so many to choose from. 