Unique Gift Ideas for Pets
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Unique Gift Ideas for Pets

Unique Gift Idea for PetThese days it is not hard to find a pink jacket and matching bottoms for your pooch, like Lily here.  Dog and cat owners can purchase anything from Halloween costumes to your favorite sports teams jersey for your little four legged friend!

The options are endless and YourCover gives you a great opportunity to make your pet or a friend's pet a star!

If it's your friend's birthday and they are obsessed with their pet - fake magazine covers would be the ideal gift!  Upload a picture of the owner and the pet together [or just the pet], to get your Pet magazine cover started.  A YourCover magazine cover is more than just a fake magazine cover because it's not just the photo that is personalized but it's all the headlines too.  Including references to cute stories and funny memories is what makes YourCover such a terrific personalized gift idea.

What fun ideas do you have?  I wanted to dress my cat up like a monkey - now that would make a GREAT personalized magazine cover!
